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2nd edition Sinauer Associates, Inc. 2000 689 pp
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National Academies Press 2002 176 pp
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3rd edition Azinet LLC 2009 166 pp 0-9788709-0-5
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Royal College of Nursing 2005 464 pp
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National Academy of Sciences 1986 640 pp 0-309-03692-5
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infill Kommunikation GmbH 2012 108 pp 978-3-00-037347-3
| | John Geibel, Mary C Mancini, Jeffrey C Milliken, Brett C Sheridan, et al. Thoracic Surgery  Medscape Reference
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University of Wisconsin 2008
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Specialized Information Services, National Library of Medicine 2009
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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 2008 276 pp
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Flying Publisher 2012 128 pp 978-3-942687-10-2
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WebMD 2011
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National Academies Press 2008 350 pp
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The University of Michigan 2011
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U.S. National Library of Medicine 2010
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WHO 2011
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