| | J. R. Anderson (Editor) A Guide to the Clinical Care of Women with HIV/AIDS 
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 2005 612 pp
 | | Eric T. Pengelley & Daphne M. Pengelley A Traveler’s Guide to the History of Biology and Medicine
 | | Kertzer, David I Aging in the past: demography, society, and old age
University of California Press 1995 408 pp 978-0520084667
 | | AIDSinfo Glossary of HIV/AIDS-Related Terms 
6th edition U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 2008 180 pp
 | | Frank G. Yanowitz Alan E. Lindsay ECG Learning Center 
University of Utah School of Medicine 2010 377 pp
| | Michael A Kaliner et al. Allergy and Immunology  Medscape Reference
WebMD 2011
 | | Wainapel, Stanley F.; Fast, Avital (Editors) Alternative Medicine and Rehabilitation A Guide for Practitioners
Demos Medical Publishing 2003
 | | Committee on the Review of the Scientific Literature on Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis in Veterans Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis in Veterans Review of the Scientific Literature
National Academies Press 2006 62 pp
| | Edward C. Klatt, Matt Bingham Anatomical Images
| | Rick Kulkarni et al. Anatomy  Medscape Reference
WebMD 2011
 | | Omar Faiz, David Moffat Anatomy at a Glance 
Blackwell Science 2002 176 pp 1405133481
 | | Edward D. Levin, Jerry J. Buccafusco (Editors) Animal Models of Cognitive Impairment
Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 2006 400 pp 978-0849328343
 | | WHO Anti-tuberculosis drug resistance in the world  Report no. 4
2008 153 pp
| | Geretti, Anna Maria (Editor) Antiretroviral Resistance in Clinical Practice 
Mediscript Ltd 2006 978-0-955-16690-7
 | | Committee on Implementation of Antiviral Medication Strategies for an Influenza Pandemic, Institute of Medicine Antivirals for Pandemic Influenza Guidance on Developing a Distribution and Dispensing Program
National Academies Press 2008 132 pp
| | Julie B. Wolf Applied Molecular Biology Begining Laboratory Manual
University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) 2005
 | | Marilyn J. Field, Christine K. Cassel (Editors) Approaching Death Improving Care at the End of Life
Committee on Care at the End of Life, Institute of Medicine 1997 456 pp
 | | Kenji Suzuki et al. Artificial Neural Networks    Methodological Advances and Biomedical Applications
InTech 2011 362 pp 978-953-307-243-2
 | | ASH Image Bank  Helping hematologists conquer blood diseases
American Society of Hematology 2011
 | | Asthma Management Handbook 
National Asthma Council Australia 2006 157 pp
 | | Devesa SS, Grauman DG, Blot WJ, Pennello G, Hoover RN, Fraumeni JF Jr. Atlas of Cancer Mortality in the U.S., 1950-94 
NIH 1999
 | | Robert W. Schrier Atlas of Diseases of the Kidney 
Department of Medicine, University of Colorado School of Medicine Denver 1999 1000 pp
 | | David M. Martin, Ralph C. Lyons Atlas of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Featuring 604 endoscopic images
Atlanta South Gastroenterology 2011
 | | Carl Ernest Bock. Translated by Ronald A. Bergman and Adel K. Afifi. Atlas of Human Anatomy
 | | Ronald A. Bergman, Adel K. Afifi, Jean J. Jew, Paul C. Reimann Atlas of Human Anatomy in Cross Section
Anatomy Atlases 2004
 | | Giovanni Swierczynski and Bruno Milanesi Atlas of human intestinal protozoa  Microscopic identification
 | | Giovanni Swierczynski, Maria Gobbo Atlas of Human Malaria
2007 400 pp
 | | Ronald A. Bergman, Adel K. Afifi, Paul M. Heidger Atlas of Microscopic Anatomy - A Functional Approach Companion to Histology and Neuroanatomy
Anatomy Atlases 1999
 | | George F Rohrmann Baculovirus Molecular Biology  
2nd edition 2011
 | | Siegel, Agranoff, Albers, Fisher, Uhler (Editors) Basic Neurochemistry Molecular, Cellular, and Medical Aspects
6th edition Lippincott,Williams & Wilkins 1999 1200 pp 0-397-51820-X
| | Joseph P. Hornak Basics of MRI
 | | Virginia Vandall-Walker et al. Before and After Radical Prostate Surgery  Information and Resource Guide
AU Press 2008 64 pp 978-1-897425-18-3
| | David M. Sander Big Picture Book of Viruses
 | | Berg, Jeremy M.; Tymoczko, John L.; and Stryer, Lubert Biochemistry
W. H. Freeman and Co. 2002 1050 pp 0-7167-3051-0
 | | Henry Jakubowski Biochemistry Online An Approach Based on Chemical Logic
| | Gruber, Arthur; Durham, Alan M.; Huynh, Chuong; del Portillo, Hernando A. (Editors) Bioinformatics in Tropical Disease Research A Practical and Case-Study Approach
National Library of Medicine 2008
 | | Madigan, Martinko and Parker Biology of Microorganisms
8th edition Southern Illinois University, Carbondale 2000
 | | Dean, Laura Blood Groups and Red Cell Antigens
National Library of Medicine 2005
 | | Bloodline Image Atlas
Carden Jennings Publishing Co., Ltd. 2008
 | | Victorian State Government, Australia Blue Book Guidelines for the control of infectious diseases
Victorian State Government 2009 270 pp
 | | British Guideline on the Management of Asthma 
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network 2008 128 pp 1899893-86-5
 | | Committee on Developing Biomarker-Based Tools for Cancer Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment, Sharyl J. Nass and Harold L. Moses (Editors) Cancer Biomarkers The Promises and Challenges of Improving Detection and Treatment
National Academies Press 2007 252 pp
 | | Committee on Psychosocial Services to Cancer Patients/Families in a Community Setting, Nancy E. Adler and Ann E. K. Page (Editors) Cancer Care for the Whole Patient Meeting Psychosocial Health Needs
National Academies Press 2008 456 pp
 | | Kufe, Donald W.; Pollock, Raphael E.; Weichselbaum, Ralph R.; Bast, Robert C., Jr.; Gansler, Ted S.; Holland, James F.; Frei III, Emil (Editors) Cancer Medicine
6th edition B.C. Decker Inc. 2003 > 2400 pp 1-55009-113-1
 | | Stanley Shostak (Editor) Cancer Stem Cells Theories and Practice   
InTech 2011 429 pp 978-953-307-225-8
 | | Riegert-Johnson DL (Editor) Cancer Syndromes
National Center for Biotechnology Information 2009
| | David J Maron et al. Cardiology  Medscape Reference
WebMD 2011
 | | Ashley and Niebauer Cardiology Explained
Remedica 2003 243 pp 9781901346220
 | | C. Carl Jaffe, Patrick J. Lynch Cardiothoracic Imaging
Yale University School of Medicine 2006
| | Cardiovascular Disorders, in: Merck Manual 
Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 2011
 | | Chronic Kidney Disease  Guideline for Early Identification and Management in Adults in Primary and Secondary Care
Royal College of Physicians 2008 237 pp 978-1-86016-340-1
 | | V. Balakrishnan et al. Chronic Pancreatitis and Pancreatic Diabetes in India 
The Indian Pancreatitis Study Group 2006 370 pp
 | | Patrias, Karen, author; Wendling, Dan, editor Citing Medicine  The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers
2nd edition National Library of Medicine 2007
 | | Clemente Susini’s Wax Anatomical Models
Università of Cagliari 2002
 | | Clinical Guidelines  Diagnosis and treatment manual for curative programmes in hospitals and dispensaries
Médecins sans Frontières 2010 322 pp 2-906498-81-5
 | | Clinical Guidelines on the Identification, Evaluation, and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults 
National Institutes of Health 1998 228 pp 9781588080028
 | | Walker, H.K.; Hall, W.D.; Hurst, J.W. (Editors) Clinical Methods The History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations
Butterworth Publishers 1990 1118 pp 9780409900774
| | Clinical Pharmacology, in: Merck Manual 
Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 2011
| | Rick Kulkarni et al. Clinical Procedures  Medscape Reference
WebMD 2011
| | Clinical Skin Disease Images
 | | Nicholas H Bergman (Editor) Comparative Genomics Methods in Molecular Biology - Chapters 9, 10, and 24
Humana Press Inc. 2007 1588296938
 | | Compendium of Fetal MRI
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center 2005
 | | Dan Stradford, Garry Vickar, Christine Berger, and Hyla Cass Complementary and Alternative Medicine Treatments in Psychiatry  
Flying Publisher 2012 110 pp 978-3-942687-08-9
| | Michael R Pinsky et al. Critical Care  Medscape Reference
WebMD 2011
 | | Kitchener, Hashem, Wahba, Khalaf, Zarif, Mansoor Critical Care in Neurology  
Flying Publisher 2012 118 pp 978-3-942687-07-2
| | Critical Care Medicine; in: Merck Manual 
Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 2011