| | David Bourne First Course in Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmaceutics
 | | Free Medical Journals   
Medical Publishers 2013
 | | Simon, Sidney A.; Nicolelis, Miguel A.L., series editors Frontiers in Neuroscience
CRC Press 2007
| | Julian Katz et al. Gastroenterology  Medscape Reference
WebMD 2011
| | Gastrointestinal Disorders, in: Merck Manual 
Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 2011
| | Sigmund Freud General Introduction to Psychoanalysis
1920 406 pp
| | John Geibel et al. General Surgery  Medscape Reference
WebMD 2011
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University of Washington 2010
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National Library of Medicine 2011 146 pp
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Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 2011
 | | T. A. Brown Genomes
2nd edition Bios Scientific Publishers Ltd 2002 608 pp 9781859962282
| | Bruce Buehler et al. Genomic Medicine  Medscape Reference
WebMD 2011
 | | Alan D. Lopez, Colin D. Mathers, Majid Ezzati, Dean T. Jamison, Christopher J. L. Murray (Editors) Global Burden of Disease and Risk Factors 
The World Bank Group 2006 486 pp
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2011 87 pp 9789241500838
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2010 115 pp 9789241500470
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WHO 2008 304 pp
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2009 314 pp
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Remedica 2004 291 pp 978-1901346619
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Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 2011
 | | Harald Becher, Peter N Burns Handbook of Contrast Echocardiography
The John Radcliffe Hospital, University of Oxford 2000 200 pp
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National Collaborating Centre for Acute Care 2007 230 pp 0954976053
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ASM Press 2001 626 pp 9781555812133
 | | Genetics Home Reference Help Me Understand Genetics
2009 146 pp
| | Emmanuel C Besa, David Chelmow, Michael A Kaliner, Koyamangalath Krishnan et al. Hematology  Medscape Reference
WebMD 2011
| | Hematology / Oncology, in: Merck Manual 
Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 2011
 | | Hematology 2004  Education Program Book
American Society of Hematology 2004 518 pp
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American Society of Hematology 2005 552 pp
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American Society of Hematology 2008 506 pp
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American Society of Hematology 2009 741 pp
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American Society of Hematology 2010 493 pp
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American Society of Hematology 2011 562 pp
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American Society of Hematology 2012 667 pp
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American Society of Hematology 2014 612 pp
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American Society of Hematology 2017 715 pp
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Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 2011
 | | Tan, Seng-Lai (Editor) Hepatitis C Viruses: Genomes and Molecular Biology
Horizon Bioscience 2006 978-1-904933-20-5
 | | History of Medicine  NLM Historical Collections
National Library of Medicine 2011
 | | Laurence Peiperl, Susa Coffey, Oliver Bacon, Paul Volberding (Editors) HIV InSite Knowledge Base 
University of California San Francisco 2011
 | | CDC HIV/AIDS Clinical Guideslines 
 | | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention How Tobacco Smoke Causes Disease   The Biology and Behavioral Basis for Smoking-Attributable Disease
2010 704 pp 978-0-16-084078-4
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Cambridge University Press 2007 1408 pp 9780521827140